This year my goal was try to find some solid answers to many questions, in particular what do I enjoy doing - for work and for fun. I've always done what I had to workwise and not much thought was put into it. In the recent days, I've been able to find some answers and hopefully I'll be able to share that in the future.
Creatively - this was an easier answer in someways as I can try out whatever I wanted without reservation, providing that $$ was there to fund the curiosity...but then I ended up with many MANY interests and nooo room left in my tiny apt OR time to pursue any of them with any degree of seriousness.
Recently I have managed to narrow it down to a few - which is STILL a lot more than I want but better than endless list of things I like. I would have to send a GIANT THANK YOU to the people of Youtube who shared their passion on line and inspired my juices to flow, organize itself and finally, come into bookbinding. I don't know if that's what IT IS really but let's call it that for now.
I love books - or maybe its paper? I had kept a journal since I was a little girl and had mountains of books that kept me company when the world forgot my existence. I've kept a large library of books for a long time but I was soon running out of space - books, journals, coloring books - they took up more space than I did, and was a source of pain when moving. I traded most of my collection for a digital version of them. One thing I couldn't trade was the heap of pages from magazines, packaging and other "junk" that I'd kept because I LIKED something about it. This collection also included mountains of the one-sided printed pages from work that I had diligently brought home because, recycling system was questionable at work and I KNEW something could be done with it. This pile grew into exponential proportions and soon took over my shelf.
After much ponder I invested in a Cinch to alleviate this issue; at least, with the one-side print outs. I made piles of scratch-notebooks and gave one to everyone who helped create the pile of pages at work (they loved it, thank goodness). I also use it for brain dumping and writing notes, lists etc. which seems to have a therapeutic effect to my life.
Sometime in 2013 I bumped into the super inspiring Jenniebellie who helped me justify my hoarding of the other "junk" but I didn't think much of it because I didn't really have that many greeting cards and I was certainly NOT going to buy more STUFF to add to the pile! somewhere along the line I discovered how to bind your own books - I made a few signatures from piles of Copic catalogs and started to try my hand in art journaling after being inspired by Vicky...and I found that I really enjoyed making journals!!
This grew into a full blow out project and I started to dig into my stashes of paper to make my own little books for journaling (I was going to be set for the rest of my life in journal supplies! -well at least I thought I was) and helped me reduce my bookshelf full of paper to manageable 3 little boxes of papers. As the journals I've made have also found new homes, I don't even have any on the shelf, which is even BETTER! This year, I discovered the planner community and the Documented Life Project, where I learned even MORE ways to use journals(which meant I could just keep making'em!!) and keep a memory of my life somehow and not feel as if time was simply wasted.
So ...I guess planners? books? bookbinding? I dunno that whole BOOK area is awesome.
Here is a little video flip of Book of 2014 holding all the "creative" things I made in 2014:
I even made a travel journal for my FIRST out of country vacay this year to Costa Rica:
The second great love came about in Nov 2014 when I discovered crochet. My friend lent a helping hand in reading the pattern and then I WAS DONE. I was crocheting little amigurumi from dawn to dusk for friends and I could not wait to get my hands on more colorful yarn. I even sold some which was GREAT help in getting my hands on some more yarn and continue this obsession LOL.
Anyway, I think that is about it in terms of crafting update. Its so nice to finally be able to answer the question "what sort of crafts do you do" with a paragraph long answer vs. an essay answer :D hopefully I can get that narrowed down even further but we'll see.
Take care,
Love Always,