I actually did play the Ocarina of time version of this franchise...ONCE. Years ago, I was on a very long road trip and was bored out of my mind because I had forgotten to bring games for the Gameboy, which I was hoping would entertain me for the 13 hour car ride. My friend was well prepared and had brought a few, and let me play and it was an interesting "fun" experience, filled with all sorts of frustration but it passed the time which was great.
Since I am NOT really a gamer I wasn't really sure if I can do this request any sort of justice - but I accepted the challenge anyway because surely my little brain can figure SOMETHING out based on all the things I've made so far!!!?
THANKFULLY I didn't have to use too much of my own brain as those more talented than myself have generously made patterns available muwahahahahaha.
how adorable is THIS!!! |
Either way I find this design too cute to not try to follow the pattern one day! it is certainly on my to-do list!
This woman is so talented - I love her itty bitty amigurumi patterns that just makes you want to squeal from cute over dose, but also the clothing items that she creates also look so cozy ! One day when I am moved to do so, I will try to make some sort of garment lol.
This design is great because it features no only Link from Four Swords game but other little creatures from there! It's an ENTIRE SET. I almost think that its an easier design to follow? I may be the only one in the world who feels this way - but I feel like having a picture is only great if a step is particularly confusing. Maybe I'm just not a fan of phototutorials? or not enjoy scrolling after every row to see what's next? I dunno. Either way I found this pattern earier to work with. I like that all the photos are up top and the pattern are just the pattern not a mix of the two. ANYWAY.I'm going to stop being an ungrateful brat right here LOL.
I did end up making both dolls....one with the shield too, but I can't post the pictures until next week as its a surprise XD
That's all folks! hope you try it out! keep on Hookin'!!
Love always