I love that these are quick and easy projects <3
It's been bookmarked in my stash forEVER and a half and one day I shall endeavor in making them!! It's the 12 signs of Chinese Zodiac...but with personalities!!! Apparently its based on a manga (which is, even better!) I've not heard of but I am thankful it exists and inspired a creative soul to make some sharable pattern! I really LOVE that they all have little expressions lol .
This Monkey Pattern is RIDICULOUS in its cutness scale. I love the little tiny banana he's holding.... the curling tail and the wee little nose just kills me. I could just eat him really!!!100% inspired to make one of my own, as soon as I am done with all the coloring pages I printed out LOL.
I love the simplicity of this design and of course the cute factor is high. This one is by one of my favourite designers - she writes detailed patterns so you can't ever get lost - perfect for beginners like me lol.
I want to make at least a dozen to give away to parties but we shall see about that....hopefully I won't lol.
That's all this week! hope you like and keep on hookin'!
Love always,