Monday, October 15, 2012

NOTHING at all.

There is a TALENTED Brazilian illustrator who makes me drool with his illustrations named Maykel Nunes. He did this wonderful little project called the "sketchnotes project" where he took some lyrics and made typographic doodles of them.

I can't yet create designs as lovely as his- but as they say, you learn best by copying from the masters - and I decided to copy (and modify a tiny bit) some of his wonderful works, to keep in my own doodlebook project I am working on so I can refer to the brilliance every and any time I need to be inspired. Here is the first two.

The whole thing turned out to be a BIT challenging because his is created on a 9 x 15 and my book is a 3.5 x 5.5" weekly planner that I am doodling on - but overall, it turned out okay. Sharpies are magic <3