Sometimes life doesn't hand you lemons- they hand you rotten lemons that you can't even make lemonade with and the very strong box deep inside you that contained all the bad emotions (so that they don't get in the way of making lemonade) burst out of the box and leaks out of your tear ducks like a waterfall.
No matter what you do at this point, the tears will fall - and your heart is bleeding.
For some, crying is a shameful activity - but I always found it to be therapeutic.
I don't feel like I've won a million dollars or that the sun is suddenly going to shine of of my bum, but I do feel like a good load has been lifted of my chest and there is some room there, allowing for clarity of thought, which usually leads to solutions or, at least the power to move on.
Here are some quotes I love about tears; I like to read them whenever I feel like crying (which seems to be often these days) to remind myself of the benefits of crying. I know what they are but some times, you need to see them physically not just know it in your head.
Done on 3.5 x 5.5 modified Moleskine weekly planner.
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