Thursday, January 31, 2013

All alone

2013 is the year where I start completing some of my projects....
Here is one I started a while back - in water colours. I really liked the way it came out and I wanted to try it out in various medium like acrylic, markers and pencil crayons to see how each differ.
However I wasn't able to re-create it in paint which was discouraging and the project sat on the back shelf of my mind.
I mean this piece...depicts for me the moment where you're so into what it is that you are doing that everything else just fades away into the void and it's just you, your idea and the paper, floating in space with light which is just bright enough to help you with your cause but nothing else. It's the moment when you realize a good chunk of time has passed since you started working on your piece, even though it feels like only minutes has passed......

Time Flies when you're having know?

Anyway I finally got around to redoing this piece in markers....
which turned out to be rather nice :)
I MAY attempt to do it in paint again but my ego has taken a beating from the last time I tried (particularly because in high school I considered myself a painter than anything else...)

This is done on some random marker pad  I had lying around that I bought eons ago- it's not quite student grade, I think it's more like kids' grade marker paper(it was $3) and Crayola markers...

Not a fan of the planet being so DARK but oooh well.

Hope you enjoy!

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