Saturday, May 17, 2014


You know that song by Pink, Just Give me a Reason?
When I first heard this song, I didn't really listen to the lyrics but I heard the chorus and it moved me. I thought it was another song about a girl who's heart was broken.
When I REALLY heard the song for the first time and watched the music video I cried.
It echoed what my heart couldn't express....and of course, I had to make this moment - that it happened and I am in admission of it - they do say that the first step to recovery  IS, admission.

I wasn't really sure how this would turn out.
I played with some paint and light modelling paste(which is just the most fantastic thing EVER, I love it).
I didn't realize this but water on modelling paste will cause the paste to desolve and lose its shape...which was cause for panic at the time but it grew on me and added a nice incomplete effect.

I wanted to go for some sort of...well, I don't know what...I think I was more interested to try out different materials. The heart is actually the LCBO paper bag with layers of acrylic paint. I thought if I wrinkled it after, it would give some texture - it didn't really but I like it.

Hope you like,

Love always.

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